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Video Animation


Course Duration

6 months


5k / per month


Video animation revolve around the creation and main of optical elements to tell a story or carry a message. Animation is an art configuration that has gained immense popularity over the years due to its ability to Attract audiences of all ages and institute stories to life. Video animation has become a popular middle for reading and marketing. Video animation has become an important part of our daily lives beautiful audiences and increase the way information is take.  Animated video maker to express their imagination experiment with different techniques and push the division. Video animation is a form of conduct that has gained extensive admiration and importance.

Videos and Animation Course Outline


  • Perform Production Pre production and Post-production
  • basics of filming and framing
  • project workflow organizing
  • Different types of Video Editing Formats
  • post production
  • Film or Video editing grammar
  • Chroma key cutting
  • visual effects
  • Cartoon Animation
  • Color Correction and Grading
  • Typography
  • Motion Tracking, graphics and composing
  • AI Videos
  • Color Correction and Grading
  • Video Sound Editing
  • Freelancing


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